source site Monday 4th September 2023 It is with great pleasure that I report on the meeting that took place on September 4th, 2023, between His Excellency Ambassador Samad Ali Lakizadeh, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Ethiopia, and the Permanent Representative to the African Union and a delegation from CAFOR. The delegation consisted of myself, Dr. Lawalley Cole, the Executive Director of CAFOR, Mr. Tshimanga Mukadi-Mutoke, CAFOR’s Senior Advisor for Partnerships and Resource Mobilization, and Dr. Tsedey Shume, the Special Assistant to the Executive Director of CAFOR. Mr. Mohammad Ali Shamsipour, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Iran, was also present.
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Order Tramadol CanadaBuy Cheapest Tramadol Ambassador Lakizadeh expressed his delight at meeting the CAFOR delegation for the first time and noted that Iran has longstanding ties to the African continent. He highlighted the close geographical and historical relations between the peoples of Iran and Africa, with migrations from Iran to places like Zanzibar over thousands of years. The Ambassador further expounded on Iran’s relationship with Africa, including its membership in the Non-Aligned Movement, which resulted in longstanding ties alongside African countries against colonialism. Iran also supported the establishment of the OAU and obtained observer status. The Ambassador noted that following the 1979 Revolution, Iran encountered considerable pressure with international sanctions, but the country survived and progressed in sciences, particularly in high technology, cyber technology, medicine, biosciences, and space. The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to provide scholarships to African students in medical sciences and related programs, and it offered domestically made vaccines to some African countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
see Ambassador Lakizadeh highlighted Iran’s good relationship with the African Union, with observer status, and its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the African Union’s Political Affairs, Peace, and Security (PAPS) Department. Iran also has an MOU with the Ethiopian Space Science Department, with which it organizes an annual exhibition related to science and technology combined with a commercial Expo that offers broader ideas for knowledge exchange opportunities and support.
Order Tramadol Cod Next Day DeliveryBrand Name Valium Buy In conclusion, Ambassador Lakizadeh expressed Iran’s willingness to collaborate with CAFOR in any mutual interest and benefit areas, underscoring the immense opportunities that Iran could offer in entering into a working relationship with CAFOR. He also expressed his readiness to facilitate interaction between CAFOR and relevant Iranian institutions to define mutual interest areas collectively. Finally, he encouraged South-South Cooperation and recommended that CAFOR work closely with the newly established South-South Organization of Education Cooperation (SOEC) aimed at technological innovation and digital enhancement.