AU & CAFOR MoU Signing News on Afro FM 105.3 Jan 18, 2019
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Order Tramadol Overnight UkTramadol Cheap Overnight Addis Ababa 18 January, 2019. The African Union(AU) and the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa Forum (CAFOR) signed on 18 January 2019 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to guide cooperation to enhance the integration of global SDGs and continental Agenda 2063 and its sectorial policy frameworks in education development, into country level
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https://www.rmporrua.com/2gd2jnj74asource The 2nd African Youth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit took place in Accra, Ghana from the 7 – 9 November 2018 under the theme “Partnership with Youth to Achieve the SDGs: Moving from Policy to Action”. UNFPA, the 2030 Youth Alliance, Youth Advocates Ghana, and the Ghana Ministry of Planning co-hosted the Summit. I was one of
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