Innovation in Africa is not a new concept. Human survival requires constant change and adaptation. For most Africans, innovation is a necessity, which enables them to navigate the daily precariousness of life. With African fortunes and prospects looking up and the continent making strides in its efforts to achieve its transformation agenda, there is an urgent need to introduce or intensify the use of science and technologies in traditional innovation.
To successfully realise the African transformation agenda, Governments in Africa must capitalise on the potential of Africa’s youth to accomplish the African transformation agenda. With the changing times, young Africans are now growing up in an increasingly free and fair continent. They are becoming dynamic, forward-looking and best positioned to find innovative solutions to local challenges using science and technology. The conditions must, therefore, be suitable for this.
There is also the overarching question of how innovations in science and technology can be used to build on the momentum of economic growth in Africa and to elicit ideas on how a change in technology can harness the potential of African youth to advance the African development agenda and to stem steadily rising youth unemployment rates.
At CAFOR, we are committed to shaping Africa’s future by investing in its greatest asset:…
It was a great pleasure for our Executive Director Lawalley Aba Cole to meet H.E.…
It was a true honor to welcome Her Royal Majesty Queen Ameenata Koita, the revered…
Our Executive Director, Dr. Lawalley Cole, held a productive meeting today with Ms. Kimberly Davis…
It is with profound sadness that the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa…
On Wednesday, September 18, the Executive Director of CAFOR met with Mr. Nurhussein Hussein, Founder…