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follow link Category | Top 40 | Problem being solved go to site Chad is among the countries of Africa with high number of pupils per textbook: in 2012, 5 pupils per reading book, 4 pupils per book of calculus and 16 pupils per science book (Chad, State Report on the National Education System, 2016) Primary , only 4.4% of students have a reading manual and 3.6% in mathematics (PIET 2018-2020) Nearly 80% of students do not have a book. In high school, the situation is still very alarming. Irregularity in the school calendar and non-completion of content due to strikes is recurrent. source url Discount Tramadol Online Description of innovation Following the finding of a serious shortage of textbooks and a misallocation of existing ones to students and teachers and the lack of resources of the State to overcome this problem, the digital era, digital and of mobile offers an unprecedented opportunity to solve the educational divide, the disparities of content for public and private institutions more resource-rich, rich and poor children, we set up the project CHADEDUCATIONPLUS, which aims to improve access to course materials for primary and secondary education through digital and mobile We collect course materials from the best educational institutions, develop digital books (PDF) and stand-alone mobile applications free and free access via the project platform (, mini memory card for phone and the by Xender or Bluetooth.The project was realized with financial support from UNICEF for the pilot phase for the third grade during the 2017-2018 school year and for the development phase for the entire secondary school. the current year 2018-2019 and also with the help and partnership of the Lycée Saint François Xavier whose teachers have made the course materials available. ” source link Unique outcomes and Impact source url Order Tramadol Paypal 3. Our pilot phase for the third grade improved access to digital and mobile classrooms for 1,000 students from two pilot CEGs (General Education Colleges) and the establishment of a library of 1000 papers course materials for students who do not have phones that |
Support digital media. And also more than 30,000 downloads of course materials in e-books and applications. The current secondary phase will improve mobile and digital access to classroom materials for more than 8,000 students from the two pilot high schools and the implementation Buy 1000 Diazepam 10Mg Replication and Sustainability Order Tramadol Cod Saturday Delivery 4. Innovation can be zoomed in, replicated and supported everywhere. There is a need for a quality school that can provide course materials to be digitized and developed into a digital book and application. All you need is programs or coders that can develop application course materials and e-books. A website developer to design the site to house the application and E-book course materials. Financial support is needed to implement the project. |