It was gratifying to hold substantive discussions with the recently appointed Director of the International Organization for Migration – IOM UN Migration Special Liaison Office in Addis Ababa, Mrs Mariama Mohamed CISSE. We discussed the limited capacities of African economies over the coming decades to formally absorb educated youth with the current critical situation on how to manage the “youth bulge”, with the underlying migration issues both inside Africa and externally as these become more regular.
We also talked about the increasing illegal migration of mostly unskilled African youth across the Mediterranean to Europe and beyond, as well as the brain drain from Africa with the cherry picking of Africa’s best. CAFOR intends to liaise with IOM UN Migration and its affiliâtes to support relevant skills development programs that would correspond with what obtains in the labour market within the African continent. CAFOR will promote a community practice involving the youth in such areas as agriculture, entrepreneurship, and other vocations that will help curb internal and external migration.