go here Mr Bright Kampaundi is the Executive Director at Youth and Children Rights Shield (YOCRIS). This body is a youth-oriented Non- Governmental and, Non-profit making Organization based in Dedza Lilongwe, Salima and Mchinji Districts. YOCRIS is registered with the National Youth Council of Malawi, an umbrella body of youth organizations established under an act of parliament. YOCRIS is also registered with The Registrar General under the Trustees Incorporation act. YOCRIS is also an affiliate of the Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi (CONGOMA). YOCRIS works with people of different walks of life in various communities in its impact areas. YOCRIS envisages a Malawian society in which justice and peace prevail by transforming unjust structures and systems based on constitutionalism and other international legal instruments provisions. Their mission statement is to contribute to the transformation of Malawian society to attain justice and peace.
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source https://www.elevators.com/r11g6qeaj1j