see As part of CAFOR’s preparations for the implementation of the Year of Education in Africa, Dr. Lawalley Cole, CAFOR’s Executive Director, met with H.E. Ambassador Victor M. Trevno, Mexican Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, on Thursday, November 16. Ms. Maria del Rocio, Cultural Attaché for Political and Multilateral Affairs at the Embassy of Mexico in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was also present during the meeting. Accompanying Dr. Cole was Mr. Tshimanga Mukadi-Mutoke, Senior Advisor at CAFOR. The meeting was greatly appreciated and H.E. Ambassador Trevno expressed generous support for CAFOR’s continental program in Africa. The insights provided on Mexico’s involvement in various programs in Ethiopia and Africa were enlightening. CAFOR highly values the opportunity to learn from Mexico’s experiences and is enthusiastic about ongoing and evolving partnerships. Collaboration in training and research exchange between Mexican educational and training institutions, with a focus on fostering innovation driven by African youth, is seen as critical by CAFOR.
Tramadol Order Cheap The organization believes that by partnering together, these young individuals can be further empowered. Additionally, CAFOR is eager to collaborate with Mexico on Digitalization for Peace and Conflict Resolution. By sharing Mexico’s and MIKTA’s experiences, opportunities can be created to bridge the digital skills gap and contribute to successful global governance through digital technology for peace-building and economic integration. MIKTA is a grouping of Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Australia. to link Looking ahead, CAFOR is committed to building a long-lasting working relationship with Mexico, particularly in areas directly tied to education and youth advancement on the African continent. The shared vision of providing quality education to every child aligns seamlessly with the African Union’s agenda and aspirations.