Executive Director Of CAFOR Dr. Lawalley Cole gave a key note Lecture on Education and Science Day

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Empowering Africa’s Youth: The Key to a Brighter Future

https://www.modulocapital.com.br/4bb7jdlyzza At CAFOR, we are committed to shaping Africa’s future by investing in its greatest asset:…

2 weeks passé

Meeting with H.E Willy Nyamitwe, Ambassador of Burundi to Ethiopia

Order Valium Online Overnight Uk It was a great pleasure for our Executive Director Lawalley Aba Cole to meet H.E.…

1 month passé

CAFOR | Meeting

https://www.thephysicaltherapyadvisor.com/2024/09/18/lfvk17jr It was a true honor to welcome Her Royal Majesty Queen Ameenata Koita, the revered…

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2 months passé

CAFOR – meeting with Ms. Kimberly Davis from UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa

see Our Executive Director, Dr. Lawalley Cole, held a productive meeting today with Ms. Kimberly Davis…

2 months passé

In Loving Memory of Mr. Tshimanga Mukadi-Mutoke (1950 – 2024)

https://marcosgerente.com.br/92nyme91o It is with profound sadness that the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa…

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3 months passé


https://www.thoughtleaderlife.com/eqwvqi1qi On Wednesday, September 18, the Executive Director of CAFOR met with Mr. Nurhussein Hussein, Founder…

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