source link Strategic Objective 1:
Revitalize the teaching profession to ensure quality and relevance at all levels of education
go to link a)Teacher Professional Development
– AUC partnered with IICBA, AFTRA and AfECN in organizing the 2020 AU Teacher Awards which was held on December 21, 2020. IICBA participated in the evaluation and scoring of candidates for the award. In addition, During the ceremony, IICBA in collaboration with AfECN, made a presentation on the application of the DOTSS framework at early grade learning levels. b)Standardize Teacher Recruitment and Mobility
– Between August and September 2020, EI Africa carried out a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on education, teachers and students available here
go c)Teacher Training
– Kenya Teacher Education Curriculum has been reviewed by KICD with the consultation of stakeholders. It will be rolled out in May 2021.
– During the review period, CAFOR interacted with various partners and participated in the review of teacher training programs designed by UNESCO.
Ongoing Activities:
– Discussions on the Continental Qualifications Framework in CAFOR are ongoing.
follow site Possible action points:
– CAFOR needs to collaborate with AFTRA and EI on the establishment of a teacher regulatory body in Africa. Further talks will be arranged with focal points appointed from each side. d)Social dialogue
– IICBA supported the Ministry of Education of Zambia to develop a social dialogue framework. In December 2020, a meeting was held to Validate the National Framework for Social dialogue for teachers in Zambia.
– During the review period, EI followed up on the social dialogue training provided to teacher union leaders and Ministry of Education officials in Ghana, Uganda, Malawi and Burkina Faso under the auspices of the Norwegian Teacher Initiative (NTI).
– Between September and October 2020, EI, conducted a 4-part workshop series on the future of the teaching profession in Africa in which the Ministers of Education of South Africa and Ethiopia and other senior officials from Mozambique, Cape Verde and other countries participated.
Possible action points:
– CAFOR may need to establish stronger partnership with EI and GPE to design the framework for social dialogue Strategic Objective 2:
Collaborate and coordinate actions and approaches with other CESA Clusters
a)Peace and resilience building through teacher development
– During the review period, training on peace education was conducted by IICBA virtually for 45 secondary school teachers in Ethiopia who led school peace clubs.
– In addition, dialogues for peace advocacy with the Youth were conducted by IICBA in collaboration with the Youth for Peace department of the African Union. The youth were from 16 Africa countries.
– November 2020 and March 2021, IICBA in working with AUC, conducted webinars on “Cartooning to Silence the Guns” (which promoted cartoons as a pedagogical tools). These webinars involved educators for Anglophone and Francophone Member States in Africa. A total of 40 educators participated in the two webinars.
– On 22nd and 23rd March 2021, IICBA held an online training for Tunisia on “Peace and Resilience Building and Prevention of Violent Extremism”. More than 20 teachers and headmasters from different schools, in the country participated.
– A peace education booklet on “Culture of peace, respect and mutual understanding for youth through peace education and dialogue” is being developed in English and French by IICBA.
– A Transformative Pedagogy Guide for Peace, Resilience and PVE-E for Southern African Countries (Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe) was developed and finalized in February 2021 by IICBA.
– In February 2021, the teacher training guide for Peace, Resilience and PVE-E for Northern African Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia) was contextualized and finalized by IICBA.
Note: IICBA has already developed a guide on Peace resilience building and Prevention of violent extremism. b)ICT integration in education training
– IICBA online campus was developed, tested and opened. January-March 2021 IICBA has supported Zimbabwe to introduce the ODLTA course in its distance learning programs.
– CEMASTEA carried out training programs for teachers & educators since June 2020 thereby building educator capacity in ICT integration training. Note: CAFOR has already developed a digital school initiative concept which enables teacher professional development and ICT Infrastructure and resources.
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– CAFOR is currently seeking financial support and partnership with organizations and institutions working to promote ICT in education.
– TSC is working closely with ICT authority in Kenya to make sure teacher training on integration of ICT in teaching and learning is well handled. The ICT authority is in charge of hardware, software c)Early Childhood Care and Education
Ongoing activities:
– AfECN is working on a Framework for Strengthening Early Childhood Education systems across Africa (1st Draft being reviewed by policy and advocacy working group-CESA ECED Cluster).
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Support domestication of SDG4 and CESA in Member States
a)Advocacy, M&E of SDG4 and CESA
– December 2020, EI launched a new tool for editing equity and called on governments to ensure that no child is left behind during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The tool is available here .
– February 2021, the EI Africa Regional Committee adopted a resolution calling on African governments to ensure quality education for all during and beyond the current health crisis.
– During the review period, advocacy of CESA was initiated by CAFOR during the regional webinars held in the Member States.
Note: CAFOR has already developed concept note for a project to create awareness and ownership of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) at all African Union Member States.
Ongoing activities:
– CAFOR is currently seeking financing and will work with its members and partners at varying levels to build visibility and credibility for the CESA 16-25 and SDG4 by disseminating the Strategy and Goal’s content and spirit widely through its various media of communication, including its members at the country level. It is with deep sorrow that the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa… We are pleased to share an insightful interview discussing the African Union’s 2025 theme: “Justice…
source site On behalf of all CAFOR members across the African continent, I extend my heartfelt and…
On behalf of CAFOR, we extend our warmest wishes for a joyful holiday season and…
At CAFOR, we are committed to shaping Africa’s future by investing in its greatest asset:…
It was a great pleasure for our Executive Director Lawalley Aba Cole to meet H.E.…