CESA Journal is a bi-annual publication which is used to highlight CESA activities that are carried out across the continent in support of education and training; as well as a platform to engage with and draw attention to the reflections and opinions of experts, students, parents and other key stakeholders at the national, regional, continental and international levels. here This third edition of the CESA Journal highlights activities carried out in the first half of 2018 from January to June which contribute to the realisation of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25).
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watchBuy Valium With Credit Card At CAFOR, we are committed to shaping Africa’s future by investing in its greatest asset:… It was a great pleasure for our Executive Director Lawalley Aba Cole to meet H.E.…
go to link It was a true honor to welcome Her Royal Majesty Queen Ameenata Koita, the revered… Our Executive Director, Dr. Lawalley Cole, held a productive meeting today with Ms. Kimberly Davis… It is with profound sadness that the Coalition on Media and Education for Development Africa…
go to site On Wednesday, September 18, the Executive Director of CAFOR met with Mr. Nurhussein Hussein, Founder…