On December 28th, 2023, CAFOR entered into a new agreement with Tallinn University in Estonia. Tallinn University actively participates in various European Commission, EU regional, and Erasmus program projects, serving as a leading and collaborating partner. With agreements in place with over 40 partner universities in 19 countries and more than 400 Erasmus+ partnership agreements, Tallinn University is a prominent player in higher education collaboration. Furthermore, the university is involved in eight international networks of higher education institutions, with its researchers and lecturers actively contributing to their respective professional networks. Notably, the government of Estonia has also collaborated with several African Union member countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, and Namibia. As a partner of Tallinn University, CAFOR is committed to supporting and actively participating in education initiatives in these four countries. This collaboration signifies our joint commitment to empowering education, fostering international cooperation, and contributing to the development and progress of the participating nations. This partnership can significantly enhance knowledge exchange and cultural understanding between Estonia and the African Union member states.
As we move into the exciting year of 2024, CAFOR’s Executive Director, Dr. Lawalley Cole, and staff in Addis Ababa and elsewhere in Africa take this opportunity to extend our warmest New Year greetings to all our partners, friends, and colleagues. May the year ahead be filled with brightness and prosperity for everyone. We eagerly anticipate the opportunities and progress that lie ahead in the African Union’s declared Year of Education in Africa.

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